Personal Projects

Christmas 2021: Trains in the tree

Christmas 2020: Trains IN the tree

Quarantine Project: Amazon Alexa, Raspberry Pi, and EDA Functional Verification tools

One of my quarantine projects has been to experiment with Amazon’s Alexa technologies. Specifically, I’ve started by using the Alexa SDK to turn a Raspberry Pi into an Alexa itself. As was compiling the code, I recalled a brainstorming session at work were we joked about how great it would be if our customers could just ask Alexa to run their Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools for them. Thus inspired, I decided to teach Alexa a new skill …

(The EDA tool shown in the video is Questa AutoCheck)

4th of July (“courtesy” of GoPro Heroes)

Family-Style Homage to the GoPro Hero2
(a/k/a what I did on my summer vacation)